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    Open Access
    Augmented And Virtual Reality For The Strengthening Of Education In The Marina Museum Park
    (2023-07-24) Morales Acosta, Alex David; Sánchez Hernández Sergio Antonio; Urzola Berrio, Héctor; Álvarez Month, Julio; Martín León, Miriam Consuelo; Barrera González, Julián Garib
    Within the effects of the post-pandemic, museums face difficult challenges, which include the increase in tourists and, with it, the diversification of the types of audiences. Therefore, new strategies must be generated for the dissemination and promotion of their national and cultural heritage. Thus, the objective of this document is to present the benefits of a proposed technological solution for conducting tours in the Marine Corps Museum Park, using View 360 technology and Augmented Reality based on recognition. The methodology is basic, with descriptive scope. As results, technologies that integrate multiple realities are proposed. It is concluded that this proposal lays the foundations of behaviorist and constructivist pedagogical currents, which improve apprehension in the museum context, according to the authors consulted.
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    Open Access
    Model for the elaboration of virtual learning objects for higher education
    (Journal of Population Therapeutics & Clinical Pharmacology, 2023) Morales Acosta, Alex David; Sánchez Hernández, Sergio Antonio; Madera Arias, Nadín; Urzola Berrio, Héctor; Álvarez Month, Julio
    In this research document, a model for the elaboration of Virtual Learning Objects (VLO) is proposed for higher education institutions that adopt the social-cognitive pedagogical model. The scope of the research is descriptive, because the characteristics and structures of the VLO exposed in the consulted literature are specified, its design is not cross-sectional experimental because the information was only collected at a single moment within the development of the investigation. The population is made up of documents such as scientific articles, degree projects, book chapters, research results, among other documents. As a result, the description of the structure and characteristics that fit the social-cognitive pedagogical model that digital content must have to be categorized as VLO was obtained. It is concluded that this model will allow teachers of different higher education programs to develop VLOs as support in their teaching practices.
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    Open Access
    Endogenous rural development planning. Case: Vereda El Vergel in Palmor - Ciénaga Magdalena, Colombia
    (Editorial FrancoAngeli, 2022) Manjarrés Tete, Arleth Esther; De La Hoz Suárez, Aminta Isabel; Urzola Berrio, Héctor
    In Colombia, the agricultural sector is a strategic point to generate development in the territories; but few governmental actions are implemented to achieve it, therefore, the objective of this research is to explain how the rural development of Vereda Vergel in Palmor-Ciénaga Magdalena, Colombia, has taken place based on the productive activities developed by its inhabitants under the criterion of governance of the community itself focused on its welfare. Methodologically, it is classified as a descriptive-explanatory field study with a qualitative approach, following the theoretical postulates of Alburquerque (2007) and Martínez de Anguita (2006). As a data collection technique, an interview script was applied to a focus group formed by farmers of the village. The main finding shows that there is no planning in the territory to promote the rural development generated within the community; however, the community diversifies its productive activity in fruit and bread crops such as lemon, mango, strawberry, coffee, yucca, yams; on the other hand, animal husbandry: chickens, ducks, pigs and cows, as well as beekeeping activities. In this sense, all the primary production and handcrafted processed products are only commercialized within the locality through ancestral barter systems, without giving space to commercialize to other territories of the department, because the mobility to the outskirts of the village is difficult to access due to the lack of paved roads, limiting or making null other forms of commercialization that would generate development in the territory. In this sense, it is concluded that there is leadership on the part of the communities to generate endogenous rural development, however, this does not transcend for lack of real commitment materialized by the municipal governance, but in spite of this, the community is food sovereign because they do not apply agro-extractivism, they only focus on the common food welfare of the community.
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    Open Access
    Artificial intelligence model for the prediction of malignant tumors using a set of medical images from mammography studies
    (2021) Morales, Alex; Sanchez, Sergio
    Currently, the diagnosis of tumors and malignant cells through imaging studies is a great challenge for expert medical personnel, due to the complexity of achieving an early prediction of cancer cells, which would allow to accelerate early medical treatments. Today, technologies have become a fundamental ally for the health sector, specifically the area of artificial intelligence, which has permeated many disciplines, generating important advances. Advances in parallel computing, GPU technology, and deep learning have made real-time image processing easier. The main objective of this esearch was to generate a deep learning model for the prediction of malignant cells in medical images of diagnosed mammograms. Using the previously trained model based on Faster R-CNN, with the ResNet function extractor. This model works in the Python programming language, using the Tensorflow framework and the OpenCv library. The algorithms were previously trained through the DDSM and MIAS open medical image databases, published on the web. This model not only focuses on recognizing and classifying malignant cells in the image, but also on the location of objects within it, appropriately drawing a bounding box. One of the latent challenges of these models since their inception has been the consumption of computing, but today they have been optimized so much that they allow freezing the pretrained models by loading them in the memory of the devices, managing to use them in computers without GPUs. As a result, it was found that the Faster R-CNN method with the Resnet101 extractor offers great advantages of precision and speed when it comes to detecting malignant tumors, studies that can serve as a great contribution to the bets of this algorithm in the health sector.
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    Open Access
    Design of a telemedicine system for the provision of primary health care (PHC) services
    (2021) Morales, Alex; Sanchez, Sergio
    Currently, technological progress has allowed health-related issues to be worked on collaboratively, expanding their learning, managing to provide health services in remote places, guaranteeing one of the fundamental rights of every human being, among these technological advances are Telemedicine stands out, which has been playing a leading role especially in these times of pandemic. For this reason, the objective of this research is to design an information system that integrates multiple technologies to support the provision of primary health care services. The research is descriptive and technological development in scope. As a final result, block diagrams and flow diagrams were obtained to represent the set of technologies to be used and the information data flow of the proposed system. It is concluded that the proposed system would facilitate the provision of health services in areas with or without internet connectivity, as well as support decision-making by executives of health organizations, in addition, telemedicine is a new technological trend for what projects like this allow Colombia to be at the forefront in health and technology issues.