Use of ICT Tools using the PBL Methodology as a Student Learning Strategy

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The community of Altos de la Sabana is a population composed of families of limited economic resources and victims of the internal armed conflict in Sucre, located in low-income housing. In this urbanization is the Institution of Higher Education of the Holy Shroud. Given that at present it does not have technological and innovative tools for academic use, information provided by the rector and the academic coordinator of this institution, as well as being considered as a vulnerable community by the national government, which gives them a priority position when implementing educational and social projects; The main objective of this project is to encourage the students of the secondary school of the institution to use technological tools to solve problems in their environment. This research has a quantitative approach and the design of the research focuses on field research and with a pre-experimental method. For the execution of this project, 3 moments were concentrated; initially, an initial test was carried out to validate knowledge in technological tools and the self-directed profile, then some training was carried out using the problem-based methodology and finally a final evaluation to measure acquired competences. The results of the post-test, in contrast to the initial test, revealed that 65% of students in grade 11 of the institution demonstrate an empowerment in the use of ICT tools and concepts in the field of basic analog-digital electronics. This is how ICTs are based on the education system, as they are facilitating tools in the teaching-learning process.