Development of a prototype of an electronic module that allows to calculate the frequency of spawning in laying hens

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Poultry farming is an industry recognized worldwide, being one of the main activities in different countries. From the national level, poultry farming is a source of income dedicated to the production of eggs and poultry meat, which has had a constant growth since the mid-twentieth century. This market in Colombia is one of the few economic sectors with permanent growth, this is evidenced by the increase in the percapita figures for this type of product. Nowadays in the market there is no evidence of alow cost system that allows to measure the hens' position in real time, this necessity being the main objective to develop an electronic module that allows to calculate the frequency of spawning in laying hens, with the purpose that this information can be used by poultry farmers in order to determine what food treatments and environmental conditions improve egg productivity. The materials used for the prototype were; a module cell (independent cage for each bird), an Arduino UNO card, infrared proximity sensor, 12x2 LCD display, MicroSD card module and an SD memory. This investigation is framed in a technological development of experimental type, for the construction of the prototype 3 stages were taken into account; prototype design and its characteristics, final assembly of the prototype and tests and results. In the results found there is evidence of a versatile tool that allows to inform in real time in a graphic way the postures. The tests carried out demonstrate the potential of a low- cost, lightweight and state-of-the-art prototype.